v1.2.1 (10/1/2020)
Fixed up the site's css and formatting (General)
v1.2.0 (8/7/2020)
Created an IP logger and added it to the site (IP Logger)
v1.0.9 (7/29/2020)
Added the typosquatted domains method to the scam number farm (Scam Number Farm)
Created a fake syskey (Applications)
Created an application that will make it look like another scammer has access to your virtual machine (Applications)
Updated the "Order Placed" screen in the Scambaiting Chrome Extension (Applications)
v1.0.8 (7/13/2020)
Added an option to make cookies in the "Account" page permanent (Bank)
Added a tutorial for the fake bank (Recordings)
Added feature that allows you to change the name of bank accounts (Bank)
Changed keyboard shortcuts in "Account" page from Shift to Alt (Bank)
Created a Chrome extension that will change google.com and play.google.com into their rigged versions from this site (Applications)
Created a Rigged Google Play that "redeems" any code (Rigged Google Play)
Created a tool to farm scam numbers using the Google Dorks method (Scam Number Farm)
Fixed grammatical errors in a fake bank (Bank)
Fixed URLs for "Log In" and "Disclaimer" pages (Bank)
Made certain queries on the Rigged Google Search redirect to Rigged Google Play (Rigged Google)
Removed some dead links on the home page of the bank (Bank)
Scambaiting Chrome Extension now replaces the New Tab page with the Rigged Google page (Applications)
v1.0.7 (7/5/2020)
Added an "applications" page with a fake Notepad app (Applications)
Added an optional overlay to make using developers tools in the "Account" page more difficult (Bank)
Completely remade the Rigged Google Search page (Rigged Google)
Fixed feature to block inspect element in the account page of the bank (Bank)
Improved the cookie saving feature in the account page of the bank (Bank)
Improved the account and verification pages' CSS stylesheets (Bank)
Recording of "Tricking Indian Scammers Into Singing All-Star" added (Recordings)
v1.0.6 (6/28/2020)
"Donate" link added for anyone who wants to support the site (Donate)
Offline version of this site uploaded to Google Drive (Offline Site)
v1.0.5 (6/23/2020)
BETA version of scambait soundboard released (Scambait Soundboard)
Recording of "My Dad is a Scammer?" added (Recordings)
v1.0.4 (5/22/2020)
Added a recordings page (Recordings)
v1.0.3 (5/17/2020)
Added a fake passport creation tool (Passport Maker)
v1.0.2 (4/22/2020)
Added an option to block inspect element in the "help" page (Bank)
Added rigged Google page (Rigged Google)
Added secret "more tools" page (Bank)
v1.0.1 (4/17/2020)
Added experimental "cookie saving" to bank (Bank)
Added fake "help" page (Bank)
Made login page seem more legit (Bank)
v1.0.0 (4/16/2020)
Initial release of website (General)